Identity Theft Update - Preventing and Coping with Identity Theft

Military Active Duty Fraud Alerts

If you are a member of the military and away from your usual duty station, you may place an active duty alert on your credit reports by contacting any one of the three major consumer reporting companies. Active duty alerts can help minimize the risk of identity theft while you are deployed.

To place an alert on your credit report, or to have it removed, you will have to provide appropriate proof of your identity, including your SSN, name, address, and other personal information requested by the consumer reporting company. You may use a personal representative to place or remove an alert.

Active duty alerts are in effect on your report for one year. If your deployment lasts longer, you can place another alert on your credit report.

When a business sees the alert on your credit report, they must verify your identity before issuing any credit. As part of this verification process, the business may try to contact you directly. Be sure to keep your contact information updated, or you may experience delays if you are applying for new credit.

When you place an active duty alert on your credit report, you’ll also be removed from the credit reporting companies’ marketing list for prescreened credit card offers for two years unless you ask to be put back on the list before then.

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